North Facing House plans - North Facing House plan with Vastu
Let us first understand what is a North Facing House Vastu Plan ? We all know that A House plan prepared on the basis of Vastu shastra principles is called Vastu House plan . If Main Entrance of that House map located in North Side is called North facing Vastu House Plan.
A typical Picture of North Facing House Plan shown bellow . If you Need customized Modern Vastu House Plans as per your plot size and direction and which meet your requirements then contact Our Vastu Experts are from Civil Engineering / Architectural field. They are highly experienced in Customised Vastu Planning and Design. They Designed thousands of Vastu House Plans . Some Popular squrare shaped House Plans are 30x30 , 40x40 , 50x50 , 60x60 , 70x70 , 75x75 , 80x80 , 90x90 etc. Some Popular rectangular shaped Home plan are 30x40 , 30x50 , 40x50 , 60x30 , 60x40 , 70x50 , 40x50 , 65x30 , 65x45 etc.
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See also North Facing House Vastu

How to Make House Plan for North Facing Plot ?
If you going to construct a House on a north facing plot, then you need some important vastu principles and civil - architectural rules . North entrance plot / Home means at the time of enter the home, your face towards south wall . For North facing house plans a vastu planner have more scope to utilise spaces properly. Basic requirements of Vastu House Plan for all facing ( East, South , West , North ) is the accurate direction and accurate measurements. Before starting the design on your plot all arm ( Length, Breadth ) should be measure properly. For accuracy and triangulation, corner measurements are required. Determination of true geographical north is very important steps .Incorrect geographical direction may cause of wrong Vastu Design. Magnetic compass can be used for determine the north direction. Some special care should take at the time of using magnetic compass. Local attraction, Presence of electric line, Iron may create error in measuring . To avoid such risk Applied Vastu Suggest all Vastu Planner to use Google Earth to demine the accurate orientation of Plot. Applied Vastu Planner always ask to share Google map Drop Point for determine the direction.

Actual Measurements and directions are the primary needs for starting House Plan as per Vastu Shastra. If you want to planning your house yourself then read this article.
Step By Step Guide Of Building Plan according to Vastu Shastra.
If You Need Customised Vastu Planning and Design Service by Applied Vastu Specialist and Civil Engineer, Then Contact Us . Applied Vastu Experts are from Civil Engineering Field , They ask you to send Size of Plot , Google drop point for direction , your budget for construction and architectural requirements such as Numbers of Bedroom , Number of stories , Type of Kitchen , Dinning, Toilets, bath rooms , requirements on garage, Puja room , staircase etc. Based on your requirements applied Vastu Planner Will prepare First Sample of North facing House Plan as per Vastu and send you in PDF format. After receiving the first PDF copy, You can customise these North Facing House Design 2 -3 times for Each Floor.
Avoid These Mistakes at the time of North Facing House Planning .
Often we noticed that many so called Vastu Experts / Vastu Pandit prepare House Plans by taking inaccurate direction and improper scaling .Vastu Shastra completely based on geometry , Geometrical calculation should done in proper way. True Direction ( Geographical ) and Dimension ( Scaled drawing ) are the primary requirements for Ideal Vastu Home Planning and Design. A picture of North face Home plan given bellow . In the Given Map / Naksha North - South line (Red Line ) having inclination (90 - 76 ) = 14 degree towards East . But Some People copy these Plan Blindly and start construction . Many online / Offline architectural Firm also do the same mistake , they never verify the actual North and blindly Start Planning. Another Mistake is Using of Cartesian coordinate system for casting vastu Purusha Mandala. Polar Coordinate system should use for casting Vastu Purusha Mandala on Built up.

: Our Suggestion :
Share Google Dropped Point of your plot with your House Planner and Use Polar coordinate system . To avoid such error at the time of Planning Your Dream House as per Vastu Shastra , You must consult with Vastu Planner having technical background . Applied Vastu Experts are from Civil Engineering filed they can guide you to built your dream House , Office , factory .
Vastu For North facing House Plans.
Indian Vastu Shastra described about how to plan a Home step by step by obeying vastu norms. All the principles described in thousands of Sanskrit slokas. Applied Vastu decoded the slokes and applied it for Planning a new House , office , factory etc. Many people have a general quary is South facing Home plan good or bad ? ? In reply Applied Vastu tell you all directions are same. But people in the profession related to Khatriya activity get good results when they built a South facing House plan.
1. Position Of Main Door : Main Door or Main gate of a North facing Building should be located on auspicious Pada on Vastu Purusha Mandala .For North entrance Home auspicious pada are Mukhya , Bhallat and Soma or Souma . Main door should be free from any obstruction , attractive in looking .
2. Position Of Bed Room : For North facing building bed room can be construct in South-West,South , East , West or North-West Zone.
3. Kitchen Location: In case of North facing Home Vastu design kitchen can be construct at South-East ( SE ) , South-South-East ( SSE ), South . You Can also plan Your Kitchen in West, North-West (N-W) Zone. Facing Of Cooking considered in East Direction.
4. Position Of Toilets and Bath-Rooms: As Your Main Door is located on the Northern side of Your Building, So the best Possible of Bathroom or Toilets at South of South West Zone and West of Northwest Zone.
5. Position of Stair Case: The stair can be constructed at North Portion of the building of Flat type House. South, West, East for Duplex North Facing House Design. Stair Must have odd steps including landing.
6. Drawing Room : For drawing room best possible place in north zone , north west zone and North east zone.
7. Living Room : Best Location of Living Room is East Zone of the House . In that case West , South Zone also preferable .
8. Puja Room : Many want House Plan with Puja Room . Best placement of puja room is North-East Zone as per Vastu Shastra . If North-East space is not available then West May be the second choice.
9. Study Room : Study room can be construct at North-East and West of south west Zone.
Position Of Main Entrance Of a North Facing House Plan as per Vastu.
Proper placement of Main Entrance / Main Door is very important factor in Vastu House design and planning . whole Built-up area divided by 32. As 32 Pada in Paisach Bithi . In North side eight pada are in Paisach Bithi . Roga , Naga , Mukhya , Bhallat , Som or Soumya , Bhujang , Aditi and Diti are the Eight Energy field in North Side . Among the Eight deities only Three devta field considered as auspicious for north facing House . For North Facing Home Plans location of Main Door at Mukhya , Bhallat and Som or Soumya energy field / Devta are considered best Entrance.
Vastu Shastra For North Facing house

At the time of Vastu House planning for North facing plot , Position of Main Door must be fall on Mukhya , Bhallat , Som / Soumya Pada ( Energy field ). To ensure the door Position Applied Vastu suggest you to verify the design by a professional Vastu Planner / Vastu Consultant . The calculation and Casting of Vastu Purusha Mandal should be in Polar coordinate system only.
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Contact Our Vastu Planner
We are civil engineers and Vastu Specialist by profession and often observed that in Planning House , office, flat , factory based on Vastu shastra creates some positive effects. So if you need Vastu Plans ( Fully Customised ) for your Home , Flat , Office Factory then Contact us .
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PH NO : 082404 53521
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