West Facing House Plan - West Facing House Vastu Plan
Is your plot facing west? Are you looking for west Facing Vastu Plans. Don't worry , In this article we explain all about West facing House Vastu Plan. If you are going to construct House in your West face Plot, this post may help you to build your West facing Home Plan according to Vastu Shastra.
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let us first dicuss on the term West Facing House , If the main entrance/door of a Building located on the western external wall of that House is called West Facing House, that means at the time of entering west-facing building / Home , your face always towards eastern wall of that building.
A Typical Picture of West Facing Vastu Home Plans given bellow. If you need customised building Plan as per Vastu Shastra , then Consult with AppliedVastu.
AppliedVastu one the reputed Vastu Planner in India .We already desined thousands of West Facing Home Plans . We provide Customized Home Vastu Plans service for your dream House . Our Vastu Expert / Vastu planners are from Civil Engineering field having better knowledge to provide best Service.

Rectangular or Square shaped Plots are Ideal For Vastu Planning , Trapizoidal plots also can be use by proper Vastu Vastu planning . Some Popular Square Shaped Vastu Map are 30x30 ,40x40 , 35x35 , 45x45 , 50x50 , 55x55 , 60x60 , 65x65, 70x70, 80x80,90x90 etc. Example of Some Rectangular Vastu House Map 30x40 , 40x30 , 30x50 , 40x50, 50x60 , 40x60 , 50x70 , 35x50 , 40x70 etc.
How to Make House Plan for a West facing Plot?
Are you going to construct a House on a West-facing plot? If Yes, then you need to know some important vastu principals and technical rules. West entrance plot / House means your face towards the Eastern wall at the time of entering the Building. In the case of West Facing building plans, a vastu planner face more difficulties for space utilization and availability. The primary requirements for House Planning, according to Vastu Shastra for all facing (West, North , East , South ) are accurate direction and accurate measurements. Before starting the planning on your plot all Sides (Length , Breadth ) should be measured properly. Diagonal or Corner measurements are essential and Plotting Land Boundary Line. Determination of the true geographical north is a very important step for Vastu design . Incorrect geographical direction means incorrect Vastu Design. A prismatic Magnetic compass can be used for determining the north direction but some special care should take at the time of using a magnetic compass. Oil-based Prismatic compass ideal for measuring orientation. Local attraction, Presence of electric lines, and Iron may cause errors in measuring direction. To avoid such risk, AppliedVastu Suggests all Vastu Planner/ Vastu Experts / Civil Engineers to use Google Earth dropped point location (Satellite version) to demine the accurate orientation of the Plot. AppliedVastu Planner / Professionals always ask to share Google map Drop Point for determining the actual direction.

As we mention that True North and Scaled Measurements are the Primary requirements for Vastu Plans and Design. If you really interested to design your own house yourself then read this article.
Step By Step Guide Of Building Plan as per Vastu Shastra.
For Customised Vastu Design and Planning Service by AppliedVastu Specialist and Civil Engineer, Contact Us . Our Vastu Specialist and Vastu Planner are from Civil Engineering Field, To start a customized Design send Size of Plot , Google drop point for the determination of direction. Share with us budget for construction and architectural requirements such as Numbers of Bed room , Number of stories , Dinning and Kitchen type , numbers of toilets and Bathrooms, requirements of garage / car parking space, type of staircase , needs of Puja room etc. We will prepare First sample of West facing House Plan Based on your requirements. AppliedVastu Planner send the you the first sample in PDF format. After receiving the first PDF copy of ground Fllor Plan , You can customise these West Facing House Design 2 -3 times for Ground Floor. Same rules applicable for First floor also.
Position of Main Entrance/ Main Door for West facing House plan
Position or location of Main Entrance for West facing Property is the most factor . Main door is the connector between Inner Energy field and Outer Energy Field within the Home. Many Vastu Pandits advice to avoid West Facing House / flats as sun sets in west direction .This is nothing but a common Vastu myths . Proper placement of Main can be exteme auspicious for West Entrance House. Exact location of auspicious door can be determine by proper castion of Vastu Purusha Mandala on you builtup. Entrance at North-West and South-west is the most avoidable Main Door at the of making Layouts. A picture of eight Pada for Western Periferi of Vastu Purusha Mandala Given Bellow. See the Picture Among Eight Entrance only Two Pada are auspicious .The Auspicious Pada are Pupshdant and Sugreev. Varun can be prefer to some extent . Remaining five energy fields ( Pitra , Duawarik , Asur, Shosha and Papyaksma ) inauspicious for Main Entrance. Use Polar coordinate System at time of calculation of Main Door Location with respect to Actual north direction and Bhamha Sthaana.

Calculation for determine Main Door Position for West Outer Wall ( Polar Coordinate System )
West Portion 90 degrees. Total 8 Energy Fields .
Degrees for each Energy field = 90/8 =11.25 degrss.
For a Whole Circle Bearing WCB 248 to WCB 270 degrees are auspicious .
Vastu For West Facing House Plan
There is a vastu myth that west-facing houses are inauspicious, but that is not the true. Vastu principles say that the West brings profits and monetary if we choose right Pada / Steps at the time of Planning and construction. Indian Vastu Shastra describes the principles on house Planning, design , Measurements and Construction. The principles are described in the form of thousands of Sanskrit slokas..AppliedVastu decoded the slokes and applied it for residential, commercial, industrial design , planning and construction.
Lets discuss on the general norms for Vastu House Plan for West facing House.
1. Position Of Main Door : Main Door or Main gate of a West facing Building should be located on auspicious Pada in accordance Vastu Purusha Mandala . For West entrance Home auspicious pada are Pupshdant and Sugreev , Varun ( To some extent ).Main door should be looking beautiful , attractive and free from any obstruction . Avoid Tree and Tee Junction in Front of Main Door.
2. Position Of Bed Room : As You entering from Western side of your building , Bed Room may be located at South- West , South , East , North , North west . Never place bed on Vitatha , Nag , Asur Pada .
3. Kitchen Location : In case of West entrance Home Vastu Map kitchen can be construct at Agni - South-East ( SE ) , South-South-East ( SSE ), South Zone . North-West (N-W) Zone is also preferable for location of Kitchen. Never Face towards north at the time of coocking.
4. Position Of Toilets and Bath-Rooms : As Your Main Door located at Western side of your Building , So the available position for bath room or Toilets at South of South West Zone and East of South East Zone.
5. Position of Stair Case : At the time of Planning Stair case should never be placed at North-East Zone . For flat type House Map it is necessary to Place at western side as we entering the house from west Side. As Stair heavy It can be place at South , South West or Western portion In case of Duplex West Facing House Design .Counting of Stair steps should be odd.
6. Living Room : It is well known fact that Best position of Living Room is East Zone.. In that case West entrance it is Western Side or Centre of the built up .
7. Puja Room : As you entering the house from west side , install a idol, a Picture of good in west Side . Facing towards East . It is well known facts that puja room in North-East Zone is very auspicious as per Vastu Shastra. If North-east space is not available, then alternative option is West , East , North Zone.
8. Study Room: If a study room is a primary requirement, then the Study room can be placed at the North-East or West of southwest Zone.
Avoid These Mistakes at the time of West Facing House Planning .
Many so called Vastu Experts / Vastu Pandit prepare House Plans following wrong way. They take inaccurate direction and improper scaling at time of making layouts. Indian Vastu Shastra completely based on geometry. Vastu principles only implemented properly accurate geometrical calculations done in correct way. True North Direction (Geographical ) and Dimension ( Scaled drawing ) are the primary Inputs for Casting Vastu Purusha mandala Correctly on Your Plot. A Picture of West face Home Map given to Explain our concern . You will observe In the Given Map / Naksha the North - South line (Red Line ) having inclination (90 - 76 ) = 14 degree towards Eastern side . But Many People copy these Naksha Blindly and start their construction. Most of the online / Offline Vastu planner also do the same mistake. Without verifying the actual North They Started Planning. Another Mistake We have Observed that Using of Cartesian coordinate system for casting of vastu Purusha Mandala. Polar Coordinate system ideal for casting Vastu Purusha Mandala For vastu Planning as it is preferable for Irregular Plots and Inclined North-South line.

: Our Suggestion :
Use Modern technology Google Dropped Point and Drafting Software For Proper Vastu Planning. For error-free Vastu Planning and design, You must consult with Vastu Planner with having a technical background. Appliedvastu Consultants are from Civil Engineering filed they can guide you through constructing your dream Home, Office, or factory.
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(Professional Vastu Shastra Consultant and Civil Engineer )
( Civil Engineer and Vastu Expert )

Contact Our Vastu Planner
We are civil engineers by profession and often observed that in Planning House, office, flat, and factory based on Vastu shastra creates some positive effects. So if you need Vastu Plans ( Fully Customised ) for your Home, Flat, or Office Factory, then Contact us.
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PH NO: 082404 53521
EMAIL: appliedvastu@gmail.com
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